November 9, 2021 ExperTemp™ Temporary Crown & Bridge Material Product Description ExperTemp™ Temporary Crown & Bridge Material from Ultradent is a bis-acryl composite provisional material. Designed to resemble natural dentition, it is available…
February 24, 2021 Orabloc Needlestick Safety System In any procedure, needles can get bent or lose their cap and lead to the danger of needlesticks. Orabloc Needlestick Safety System is designed to allow for safe one-handed needle capping.
November 2, 2020 ZirClean® Product Description We recently received ZirClean (Bisco) restoration cleaner. This material is designed for use in zirconia, ceramic, and metal restorations after intraoral try-in….
October 5, 2020 Estecem II Product Description Estecem II (Tokuyama) is a dual-cure adhesive resin cement indicated for all restorative materials. It is available in 4 shades: universal, clear,…
February 9, 2020 Visalys CemCore There is a growing trend in the dental materials world, especially in cementation, and that trend is making products more versatile. We recently received…
January 31, 2020 Meron Plus QM I recently watched a round table discussion on zirconia cementing. After an hour of discussing all the different tricks and techniques of zirconia cementation,…
January 24, 2020 Bifix SE Cement We all have those patients… the ones with the oversized tongue, hyper-producing salivary glands, and tiny openings that need a crown on #18. They…
January 24, 2020 Panavia SA Cement Universal Panavia cements have come a long way. When I was a dental assistant, more years ago than I hate to admit, I remember Panavia…
August 23, 2019 TransForm Heat Mouldable Impression Trays As a dental assistant, I found myself many times taking a torch to the distal extension of a plastic tray. I was trying to…
August 23, 2019 Polyisoprene Dental Dam Let’s be honest. Most of us do not use rubber dam as much as we probably should. It is the gold standard in isolation….