November 9, 2021 ExperTemp™ Temporary Crown & Bridge Material Product Description ExperTemp™ Temporary Crown & Bridge Material from Ultradent is a bis-acryl composite provisional material. Designed to resemble natural dentition, it is available…
October 28, 2021 BioGREEN™ Biodegradable Micro-Applicators Product Description BioGreen™ Biodegradable Micro-Applicators from Premier® are an eco-friendly alternative to plastic applicators. Made from a straw-byproduct, they are biodegradable and compostable. These…
October 3, 2021 SafeMatrix™ Single-Use Matrix Bands Product Description SafeMatrix™and SafeMatrix™ Contour from Medicom® are pre-assembled, disposable matrix bands. Their unique push-button band diverter is designed to provide ease of use…
August 20, 2021 e1 37% Phosphoric Acid Etchant Gel Product Description With so many dental materials having the same color, it’s easy to grab the wrong product. e1 Acid Etchant Gel from e…
May 11, 2021 BlueView™ VariStrip™ Product Description The BlueView™ VariStrip™ by Garrison Dental Solutions are contoured 0.002″ anterior matrix bands that taper from one side to the other. They…
November 2, 2020 ZirClean® Product Description We recently received ZirClean (Bisco) restoration cleaner. This material is designed for use in zirconia, ceramic, and metal restorations after intraoral try-in….
October 5, 2020 Estecem II Product Description Estecem II (Tokuyama) is a dual-cure adhesive resin cement indicated for all restorative materials. It is available in 4 shades: universal, clear,…
September 23, 2020 DiaFil™ Product Description DiaFil™ (DiaDent) is a nano hybrid composite for use in both anterior and posterior restorations. Initial Insights What were the thoughts of…
August 12, 2020 Genius Shield Many procedures produce aerosols and splatter, which have become more of a concern during the pandemic. Genius Shield is designed to protect both patient and operator by combining a shield and a vacuum to capture airborne droplets.
March 6, 2020 ACTIVA Presto It is an exciting time in the world of restorative materials. More and more we are seeing materials that mimic the properties of natural…